My dear Bertie
I was wondering what had happened to you and eventually began to think that you had also gone off to Sikkim. Many thanks for the revolver - but as I could hear nothing from you and we are expecting to start any day, I had to procure one on payment from the Arsenal - Mark II the new service revolver - so I think when yours arrives I had better readdress it back to you.
I have got all my kit together now and have spent a small fortune in thick garments. I saw those camel hair dressing gowns at Phil Laidlaw's shop yesterday evening and they are certainly very nice and warm but I think that my old dressing gown will do though it is very good of you to suggest giving me one. Going with a hospital I can easily manage to take more than my 80 lbs - in fact I am taking a lot of stores with the hospital equipment which I hope to smuggle along.
We are expecting receive orders any day. I saw some Sappers and Miners had gone from ‘Kaoakaa’ and I wondered if you would be able to go. I have been having a very nice time here and managed to get away to dine at the club occasionally and go to a theatre. The 2nd Rajput are also very nice fellows. I have pitched my Hospital in the Commissariat Timber Yard afar from the madding crowd and here I spend all the time.
My home letters arrive anyhow at present. I have been so moving about that everything seems all right there. I sent Delia £10 last mail and have also forwarded my annual donation to No. 19 (£10). I saw your name in the Whist Book of the 2nd Rajput the other evening - a loser. In China I am a winner in the same book of about 200 points so they won't get much out of the family. My address will be Officer XXX, Section D, Number 21 B7 Hospital, Sikkim. When I start I will write to you. So long.
Your Affectionate Brother, Cecil
I was wondering what had happened to you and eventually began to think that you had also gone off to Sikkim. Many thanks for the revolver - but as I could hear nothing from you and we are expecting to start any day, I had to procure one on payment from the Arsenal - Mark II the new service revolver - so I think when yours arrives I had better readdress it back to you.
I have got all my kit together now and have spent a small fortune in thick garments. I saw those camel hair dressing gowns at Phil Laidlaw's shop yesterday evening and they are certainly very nice and warm but I think that my old dressing gown will do though it is very good of you to suggest giving me one. Going with a hospital I can easily manage to take more than my 80 lbs - in fact I am taking a lot of stores with the hospital equipment which I hope to smuggle along.
We are expecting receive orders any day. I saw some Sappers and Miners had gone from ‘Kaoakaa’ and I wondered if you would be able to go. I have been having a very nice time here and managed to get away to dine at the club occasionally and go to a theatre. The 2nd Rajput are also very nice fellows. I have pitched my Hospital in the Commissariat Timber Yard afar from the madding crowd and here I spend all the time.
My home letters arrive anyhow at present. I have been so moving about that everything seems all right there. I sent Delia £10 last mail and have also forwarded my annual donation to No. 19 (£10). I saw your name in the Whist Book of the 2nd Rajput the other evening - a loser. In China I am a winner in the same book of about 200 points so they won't get much out of the family. My address will be Officer XXX, Section D, Number 21 B7 Hospital, Sikkim. When I start I will write to you. So long.
Your Affectionate Brother, Cecil
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