Tuesday, 16 December 2008

Lipo Tuesday 16-12-1903

My Dear Delia,

I hope you received my last letter from here safely. We have been here for the last ten days and only yesterday received a telegram from headquarters in the Chumbi Valley ordering me to join the battery at Chumbi equipped with clothing. I at once wired back to say that we were fully equipped but could get no Transport as yet as all the mules had already been taken up to the Front however the transport officer here seems to think that he will soon be able to get transport and send us on. I should think that we will spend Christmas day at Chumbi with any luck.

Since writing to you last nothing of importance has occurred and every day has been much like another. I have been getting fit by going on marches everyday with the 8th Ghurkha. The officers are all very nice fellows and with whom I mess. The advance in to the Chumbi Valley from Gnatong which started on the 11th has apparently as yet been unopposed so I do not know why at last they have hurriedly sent for the Field Hospital. The Native Field Hospital here also has orders to move on to Gnatong.

I have not heard from Bertie for weeks though I have written several times to him. Letters addressed to the Field Hospital must reach me in time. I have received all your mail letters. I hope you will have had a happy Christmas by the time this reaches you. You got something for Sheilagh and for the Godchild out of the £1 I sent you last mail. How is the Stock Exchange now, is business any better there? I do hope it is and that you are not so anxious as you were. It must be very disappointing to be willing and keen for work and yet find none to do. Please remember me to Tim and wish him all the best of good luck in the New Year. I expect this show will be rather a long one and that I shall be lucky if I get home next year even - the last Sikkim show lasted 16 months. Much love dear Delia and the Brightest of New Years.

You Affectionate Brother

Cecil Mainprise.

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